! ^ Use ! to repeat the last command typed at the keyboard. Use ^ to replace a string from the last command with a new string. The syntax is the same as in unix: "^old-string^replacement" Examples: > tell rasmusse Hi there, how are you? No-one by that name here. > ^rasmusse^rasmussen You tell Rasmussen, 'Hi there, how are you?' > ^you^you doing^ You tell Rasmussen, 'Hi there, how are you doing?' See also: ALIAS # ABILITIES Usage: abilities This command will display your current ability scores in the following format: Your current ability scores: Strength: (excellent) Dexterity: (decent) Intelligence: (decent) Wisdom: (fair) Constitution: (good) Charisma: (bad) There are not any numeric representations of ability scores on Dark Pawns. # AID FIRST "FIRST AID" Usage: aid Use this skill to help incapacitated friends. This only works on characters who are almost dead, however. See also: RANGER # AMBUSH Usage: ambush With their superior knowledge of the lay of the land, a Ranger can prepare a sneaky ambush for his enemies. You can only ambush someone where there is enough cover to hide, of course. If you can successfully ambush someone while staying hidden, you increase the damage dealt to them. See also: RANGER, HIDE # ALIAS ALIASES Usage: alias [alias name] [command] An alias is a single command used to represent one or more other commands. The ALIAS command can be used to manipulate your character's aliases. Type ALIAS alone to see a list of your currently defined aliases. > alias Type ALIAS to create a new alias. The alias name must be one word. The command can be any string. Aliases may not be nested or used recursively. Any command may be overridden by an alias (other than the ALIAS command itself, of course). > alias gbb get bread bag > alias gac get all corpse Type ALIAS to delete an alias that has already been defined. > alias gbb A semicolon (";") can be used to define multiple actions to be taken with a single alias. > alias eat get bread bag; eat bread Note that the 'eat' contained within the eat alias is interpreted as the MUD's internal eat command; aliases may not be nested or used recursively. The variables $1, $2, ... $9 may be used to represent arguments given with an alias. Examples: > alias killem cast 'fireball' $1; cast 'harm' $2 > killem fido mage Would cast fireball on fido, followed by casting harm on mage. Variables may be used repeatedly and in any order: > alias helpem cast 'heal' $1; cast 'bless' $1; cast 'armor' $1 The special variable $* represents the entire input line after an alias: > alias tr tell rasmussen $* > tr hi there, how are you today? You tell Rasmussen, 'hi there, how are you today?' See also: ! ^ # ANSI COLOR Usage: color [off | sparse | normal | complete] If you have a color-capable terminal and wish to see useful color-coding of information, use the COLOR command to set the level of coloring you see. > color off This command disables all color. > color sparse > color normal > color complete These three commands turn color on to various levels. Experiment to see which level suits your personal taste. 'color' with no argument will display your current color level. 'color on' defaults to 'complete'. Using color will slow down the speed at which you see messages VERY slightly. The effect is more noticeable on slower connections. Even if you have color turned on, non-colorized messages will not be slowed down at all. See also: COLORSPRAY, "COLOR SPRAY" # APPRAISE Usage : appraise Example : appraise sword appraise 2.dagger A successful appraisal gives an item value within 20 or so coins. Unsuccessful appraisals can be much, much worse. # ASSIST Usage: ASSIST If Quifael is being beaten senseless by a warg and you feel brave enough to help him, type ASSIST QUIFAEL to hit the warg. Note that the warg will keep hitting Quifael; assist only makes you start to fight whomever the person you're assisting is fighting. > assist Quifael See also: FLEE, KILL, RESCUE, WARRIOR, PALADIN, RANGER # AUCTION CHANNEL CHANNELS GOSSIP GRATS NOAUCTION NOGOSSIP NOGRATS Usage: auction gossip grats newbie These are channels reserved for specific purposes. Messages on these channels reach everyone who is monitoring them. You must be at least level two to use these channels, except the newbie channel. To toggle a channel on and off, use the NONEWBIE, NOGOSS, NOAUC, etc. commands. Usage: nonewbie nogossip Examples: > auction short sword -- minimum bid 100k > gossip Hey, is that a short sword on your belt or are you happy to see me? > grats LEVEL!!!!!!!! > grats GRATS CATJE!!!!!!!! > newbie Damn, where's the donation room? > newbie Help me please, any high levelers listening? See also: EMOTE, GSAY, HOLLER, NOREPEAT, SAY, SHOUT # AUTO LOOT SPLIT Usage: auto [